Executing Raw SQL with Ecto
In order to execute a raw query we need to use the function YourApp.Repo.query
which wraps Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query.Repo
. In most cases it's better to rely on Ecto's composable query syntax and there are very few queries where I would reach for this particular option, however there are times when the ability to execute a query directly is necessary and yields a better result.
Example Usage:
alias YourApp.Repo
{:ok, result} = Repo.query("select * from table_name order by id asc")
columns: ["id", "name","inserted_at", "updated_at"],
command: :select,
connection_id: 00001,
num_rows: 1,
rows: [
"test name",
{{2019, 6, 18}, {22, 40, 56, 0}},
{{2019, 6, 18}, {2, 23, 4, 0}}
Note: The results returned will be a postgrex result struct and may require some transformation.